andrewtavis / typescript-learning-area

TypeScript versions of the MDN JavaScript examples

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

    license coc

    TypeScript versions of the MDN JavaScript examples

    typescript-learning-area is a GitHub repo with TypeScript examples based on the Mozilla Developer Network Learning Area. The typescript directory of this repo mirrors the javascript directory of mdn/learning-area with JS converted to valid TS, and all solutions modularized with script directories and Sass based styling. The goal is to provide a reference that allows people to also learn TypeScript at MDN.

    Contributions to improve the TS conversions are welcome! Conversions of MDN JS examples that have yet to be finished would also be helpful.


    TypeScript versions of the MDN JavaScript examples

    License:Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal


    Language:HTML 67.4%Language:TypeScript 20.4%Language:JavaScript 6.2%Language:SCSS 3.9%Language:CSS 2.1%