andrewstephens75 / as-dithered-image

HTML custom element to correctly dither an image giving pixel-perfect crisp results on all displays

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Object-fit: cover?

jayrsmith opened this issue · comments

Hi @andrewstephens75 . Thanks for this component. I'm hoping to possibly use it in a small festival site that is using diffused dithered images in its marketing campaign.

Can the component be used for a full width and height image background layer that fills the viewport in an object-fit: cover manner?

I've tried a few things but not sure if it's worth pursuing further if the underlying component doesn't really support it.


Hi @andrewstephens75

Thanks so much for replying. Sorry for being so vague!

Here's a pen with the desired behaviour:

And what exactly happens when you replace the img with as-dithered-image?

You can check the javascript console, there might be more information there.

Here's a one-to-one replacement from <img>:

The aspect ratio of the image is not maintained as it attempts to fill the available viewport. Your explanation above makes sense as to why this is.