andrewmv / playstation-sign

ESPHome firmware for Playstation Sign LED driver

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Playstation Sign Driver

4-channel PWD LED driver for ESPHome and HomeAssistant


  • playstation_sign.yaml: ESPHome project file


Input/Output: 5VDC

Target platform: ESP8266

Pin Mapping:

NodeMCU Pin ESP Pin Direction Function
D1 GPIO5 Out Square PWM
D2 GPIO4 Out Cross PWM
D5 GPIO14 Out Circle PWM
D6 GPIO12 Out Triangle PWM
D3 GPIO0 In Mode button, BOOTSEL

Software Setup

Setup ESPHome per

Provide a secrets.yaml file in the same directory as playstation_sign.yaml with the following contents:

ssid: 		# WiFi network name
wappw:		# WiFi password
hotspotpw:	# Create a password for the fallback ad-hoc network, if the device is unable to connect to wifi
apipw:		# Create a password for Homeassistant to use to connect to the device

Compile / Run

esphome compile playstation_sign.yaml
esphome run playstation_sign.yaml

Logs / Debug

esphome logs playstation_sign.yaml


ESPHome firmware for Playstation Sign LED driver