andrewjesaitis / basespace-python-sdk

BaseSpace Python SDK

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


BaseSpacePy is a Python based SDK to be used in the development of Apps and scripts for working with Illumina's BaseSpace cloud-computing solution for next-gen sequencing data analysis.

The primary purpose of the SDK is to provide an easy-to-use Python environment enabling developers to authenticate a user, retrieve data, and upload data/results from their own analysis to BaseSpace.

If you haven't already done so, you may wish to familiarize yourself with the general BaseSpace developers documentation ( and create a new BaseSpace App to be used when working through the examples provided in 'examples' folder.


Morten Kallberg


Python 2.6 with the packages 'urllib2', 'pycurl', 'multiprocessing' and 'shutil' available.

The multi-part file upload will currently only run on a unix setup.


Version 0.1.1 of BaseSpacePy can be checked out here:

git clone

To install 'BaseSpacePy' run the '' script in the main directory (for a global install you will need to run this command with root privileges):

cd basespace-python-sdk/src
python install

If you do not have root access, you may use the --prefix to specify the install dir (make sure this dir is in your PYTHONPATH):

python install --prefix=/folder/in/my/pythonpath

For more install options type:

python --help

Alternatively you may include the src directory in your PYTHONPATH by:

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/my/path/basespace-python-sdk/src

or add it to the PYTHONPATH at the top of your Python scripts using BaseSpacePy:

import sys
import BaseSpacePy

To test that everything is working as expected, launch a Python prompt and try importing 'BaseSpacePy':

mkallberg@ubuntu:~/$ python
>>> import BaseSpacePy


v 0.1.2

  • Added use of os.path.join when forming path in file-download from a Sample
  • Added support for custom http-timeouts in the BaseSpaceAPI class
  • Added link to Sample class in AppResult class
  • Introduced method getAppSessionByID in BaseSpaceAPI
  • Introduced the new fields IsPairedEnd, Read1, Read2, NumReadsRaw, and NumReadsPF to the Sample class
  • Introduced new date format

v 0.1.1

Update to support changes in BaseSpace REST specification version v1pre3. Specific changes are:

  • AppLaunchResponse is now AppSessionResponse
  • AppLaunch is now AppSession and has been updated to include the fields additional fields
  • Analysis is now AppResult
  • An Application object has been added to the data model as part of the new AppSession
  • AppResults (previously Analysis) do no longer have a setStatus method, this logic has been moved to the AppSession class

v 0.1

Initial release of BaseSpacePy


See License.txt in the basespace-python-sdk directory for details on licensing and distribution.



BaseSpace Python SDK

License:Apache License 2.0