andrew-d / deploy-flake

A tool for deploying nix flakes to remote systems

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

deploy-flake - an experimental tool for deploying a nix flake to a remote system

This tool is extremely inspired by (and in some ways, a reimagining of) serokell/deploy-rs, which is a mature deploy tool that you should use if your remote systems matter to you.

Both of these tools are written in Rust, deal with nix flakes and let you deploy a system configuration defined in a nix flake to a nixos system that you access via ssh.

Differences between deploy-flake and deploy-rs

deploy-flake has several shortcomings and TODOs for now:

  • No rollbacks if applying a config fails.

  • No checking whether the system configuration is reasonable (if you turn off your sshd, you'll be locked out).

  • No timeouts (if system config applying hangs, it will never cancel & roll back).

I think there's a way to do all of these without sacrificing functionality. Only a matter of implementing them. (Contributions welcome! And I'll keep whittling away at this...)

What deploy-flake does that I think are advantages over deploy-rs:

  • deploy-flake runs the build on the target system, eliminating the need for remote build servers if you are deploying nixos configs from a darwin system.

  • Only this single binary that you have to build run on your local machine, no cross-compilation for other platforms needed (yet, but any binaries that run remotely will live in a different cargo project and be possible to pin separately).

  • Better system activation story: The flake configuration is first applied via nixos-rebuild test, and only if that works, added to the boot entries via the equivalent of nixos-rebuild boot.

  • Nicer story around running the test process in the background: It uses systemd-run to spawn the activation as a systemd unit, which will allow the control process to get disconnected at any point in time & the deployment can continue.

Setting up

To run deploy-flake with your flake definition, add the following inputs into your flake.nix:

inputs = {
  # ...
  deploy-flake = {
    url = "github:antifuchs/deploy-flake";

    # The following are optional, but probably a good idea if you have these inputs:
    # inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
    # inputs.naersk.follows = "naersk";

and the following to the outputs for your platform (you'll probably want to use flake-utils for those clauses):

outputs =
  { #...
  , deploy-flake
  # ...
    apps.deploy-flake = deploy-flake.apps.deploy-flake.${system};


Once set up in your flake.nix, you can invoke deploy-flake like this:

$ nix run ./#deploy-flake -- destination-host

That will copy a snapshot of the flake onto the host destination-host, build & activate it and if that suceeds, set the configuration up to be booted.


A tool for deploying nix flakes to remote systems

License:MIT License


Language:Rust 95.8%Language:Nix 4.2%