andrew-codes / forecast-work-oss

Forecast work timelines with confidence levels using historical data.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ADO data source

andrew-codes opened this issue · comments

As a product owner, I want to be able to directly connect to ADO and pull work item completion dates for my team, so that I may more easily make a forecast when using ADO for work item management.

Acceptance Tests

Selecting Data Source

  • When I view the configuration pane, then I have the option to use a CSV file or ADO as my data source.
  • When I view the configuration pane and select to use ADO as my data source, then I am prompted to enter ADO specific configuration.

Form Inputs

  • When I choose ADO as my data source, then I am prompted to enter my ADO organization in a TextField.
  • When I choose ADO as my data source, then I am prompted to enter my ADO project in a TextField.
  • When I choose ADO as my data source, then I am prompted to enter an ADO personal access token (PAT) in a PasswordField.
  • When I choose ADO as my data source, then I am prompted to enter a comma delimited list of team member IDs in a TextField.

Form Validation

  • Given I have chosen ADO as my data source and I have not entered my ADO organization name, when I attempt to start a forecast, then the Start button is disabled.
  • Given I have chosen ADO as my data source and I have not entered my ADO project name, when I attempt to start a forecast, then the Start button is disabled.
  • Given I have chosen ADO as my data source and I have not entered a PAT, when I attempt to start a forecast, then the Start button is disabled.
  • Given I have chosen ADO as my data source and I not entered any user IDs or only commas, when I attempt to start a forecast, then the Start button is disabled.

Starting Forecast

  • Given I have entered all required fields (the Start button is enabled), when I click the Start button, then ADO is queried for all work items matching the organization and project name, which were closed by any entered team member ID and have a closed date that is within the last 90 days.
  • Given I have entered all required fields (the Start button is enabled), when I click the Start button, then the ADO query returns the Closed Date for all matching work items.
  • Given I have entered all required fields (the Start button is enabled), when I click the Start button, then the returned work items from querying ADO are used as my data source for making forecasts.