andrefgneves / meteor-iconfont

Generate an icon font from SVG files

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

I'm not seeing any output

rizkysyazuli opened this issue · comments


I'm not seeing any font output. Did i miss anything? Here's my iconfont.json file.

    "src": ["public/images/icons"],
    "dest": "public/fonts",
    "fontName": "my-icons",
    "fontFaceBaseURL": "fonts",
    "stylesheetDestBasePath": "public/client/_icon-fonts.scss",


can you please try with the new released version (0.1.7)?

also, the stylesheetDestBasePath option should receive a path to a folder, not a file. You should remove the _icon-fonts.scss. If you do that you'll get a my-icons.css file at public/client (I believe you want it to be just client, so also remove public from the path). It should look something like this:

    "src": ["public/images/icons"],
    "dest": "public/fonts",
    "fontName": "my-icons",
    "fontFaceBaseURL": "fonts",
    "stylesheetDestBasePath": "client",

If you are looking to get a sass/scss file you'll need to pass in your own template file. Like so:

    "src": ["public/images/icons"],
    "dest": "public/fonts",
    "fontName": "my-icons",
    "fontFaceBaseURL": "fonts",
    "stylesheets": {
        "_icon-fonts.scss": "path/to/my/template/file.tpl"

There's no docs for the template file, but take a look here for a reference, it should get you going.

rizkysyazuli do you fix that? Because I have the same problem

you can`t create src files in public directory - because meteor ignores this folder )))

@nazarposhta haha. i almost forgot about this. i even forgot what project this was for 😄

rizkysyazuli did you have the problem with font in Internet Explorer -
like that? #4