andreav / jenkins-win

This image provides Jenkins on Windows container + Jenkins Configuration-as-Code plugin to deliver a zero time setup if you need this environment (e.g. for building .NET applciations).

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Jenkins Windows container image + Configuration as Code

This image provides Jenkins on Windows container + Jenkins Configuration-as-Code plugin to deliver a zero time setup if you need this environment (e.g. for building .NET applciations).

Bonus: it mounts docker engine named pipe to let this Windows container build other containers in the exact same Linux-style experience.

Docker compose startup

With this interaction, no secret can be passed to container (so for instance admin password cannot be modified)

Just issue:

docker-compose up

And connect to localhost:8888

Docker swarm startup

For using secrets, we must use docker swarm. First issue:

docker swarm init (optionally add --advertise-addr)

Then issue:

docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yaml jenkins

And connect to localhost:8888

Docker run:

Here some commands for runnig without docker-compose or docker stack deploy

Building image:

docker build -t andreav/jenkins-win ./jenkins-image

And running the conatiner from a bash (mingw)

docker run  -it \
            -v jenkins_home:C:\\ProgramData\\Jenkins\\JenkinsHome \
            -v '\\.\pipe\docker_engine':'\\.\pipe\docker_engine' \
            -v $(cygpath.exe -w ${PWD})'\jcasc_configs':'C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\jcasc_configs' \
            -p 8888:8080 \
            -p 55555:50000 \

Or running from a DOS shell:

docker run  -it \
            -v jenkins_home:C:\\ProgramData\\Jenkins\\JenkinsHome \
            -v '\\.\pipe\docker_engine':'\\.\pipe\docker_engine' \
            -v %cd%'\jcasc_configs':'C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\jcasc_configs' \
            -p 8888:8080 \
            -p 55555:50000 \

Base jenkins image:

The base image is completely based on the wonderful work made by github slide user. Source code can be found here on github

I have published an image ready to use on Docekr Hub here

That base image will be dropped when pull request #924 will be integarted into jenkinsci official docker images.

JCasC cfg & project layout:

JCasC documentation:

And praqma blog:


This image provides Jenkins on Windows container + Jenkins Configuration-as-Code plugin to deliver a zero time setup if you need this environment (e.g. for building .NET applciations).


Language:Dockerfile 100.0%