andreasnymark / jQuery.readingPace

Gives an average length of an article in minutes.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


What does it do

Gives an avarage appreciation how long the article will take to read.

How to use

Simply add the plugin and then:



These are the options

	pace:310, // --> words per minute
	singular: 'minut', // --> your unit of choice; if 1
	plural: 'minuter', // --> "; if 0 or >1
	before: 'Det tar cirka', // --> text before
	after: 'att läsa.', // --> text after
	wrap: '<div id="lorem" />' // --> wrapper around text


Gives an average length of an article in minutes.


Language:JavaScript 100.0%