Andrea-Chenjia-Pan / DL4Stock

This is the project for deep learning in stock market prediction.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is the repository for the collection of deep learning in stock market prediction.

If you find this repository helpful, you may consider cite our work:

  • Jiang W. Applications of deep learning in stock market prediction: recent progress[J]. Expert Systems with Applications, 2021: 115537. Link

Relevant Repositories


  • Fundamental Analysis Link

  • ML for Trading - 2nd Edition Link


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  • Advances in Multimedia - 2020

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  • AI Open - 2021

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  • Annals of Data Science - 2021 | 2020

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  • Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering - 2020

  • Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering - 2021 | 2020

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  • Axioms - 2021 | 2020

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  • CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology - 2021

  • Chaos, Solitons & Fractals - 2020

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  • Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience - 2021 | 2020

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  • Plos one - 2021 | 2020

  • Progress in Artificial Intelligence - 2021

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  • Software: Practice and Experience - 2020

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  • The Computer Journal - 2021 | 2020

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  • Web Intelligence - 2020

  • Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing - 2021 | 2020

  • World Wide Web - 2022 | 2021



This is the project for deep learning in stock market prediction.