andrasq / node-qrpc

quicker nodejs remote procedure call

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What is the status of this node-qrpc?

jacoscaz opened this issue · comments

Hello! I'm evaluating different RPC libraries for a new projects and came across qrpc via NPM, which looks really nice (kudos to you @andrasq). The last published version on NPM dates back to 4 years ago but commit activity here on GitHub suggests that the library is still being somewhat maintained. Test targets in the .travis.yml file cover up to Node.js 15.x, also another indicator of life. What is the general status of node-qrpc? Is it being actively maintained?

Hi, I haven't abandoned qrpc, been working on other projects (database drivers, data serialization, currently pubsub). Qrpc is one of my favorites, so if you have questions or need features I would gladly help.

Hi Jacopo, you mean support as in adding a .d.ts file with types and call signatures? That sounds fine, it shouldn't be too hard to cover the major subsystems.

You can also port to .ts and have typescript compile down to .js and .d.ts type files. What about browser support ?

True, could rewrite it, but would be a lateral move at best. Adding typing offers more bang for the buck.
As to browser support, I figured I could contribute to fast non-blocking server-to-server (or server-to-multi-tenant-client) communication. I don't know enough about the browser side to understand how a browser would run services, or how to multiplex calls onto a raw tcp/ip socket, how to make it portable, or even whether that would be faster than, say, simply batching calls.