andersthemagi / Sovereign-of-Chaos

A small-scale bot made in Python, capable of handling several D&D related tasks on Discord. Built using and hosted on a Raspberry Pi.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Bot Migration to Raspberry Pi

andersthemagi opened this issue · comments

Feature Description

Rather than continue to use a system that will inevitably not fit our server's needs (50MB of space for data will fill up quickly) and use inefficient key-value stores for static data, I've decided to migrate to a Raspberry Pi.

Desired Solutions

  • Get Raspberry Pi working w/ Desktop
  • Connect VNC Viewer to Raspberry Pi
  • Get Necessary Software installed and working
    • Git
    • MySQL Workbench
      • Set up DB to contain all data from bot previously
    • Python, including the following non-base packages (w/dependencies):
      • discord
      • d20
  • Ensure Bot can run on the Raspberry Pi

Considered Alternatives


Additional context

N/A at this time, will be included as comments if need post-submission.

Chances are, code will need to be streamlined and made to work with MySQL rather than the repl database. Luckily the file should help with streamlining most of that interaction fairly easily.

Everything is working as intended except for db-related functionality.

Going to be hashing out the db architecture in the hopes of finishing it tonight

Bot is working properly and sustained on the raspberry pi without issues. Closing this out.