image_package_db_entries insert "value too long for type character varying(74)"
ryanlraines opened this issue · comments
Is this a request for help?:
Is this a BUG REPORT or a FEATURE REQUEST? (choose one):
Version of Anchore Engine and Anchore CLI if applicable:
Anchore Engine = v0.8.2
What happened:
Attempting to execute scans, but some (not all) are failing with [ERROR] Failed client call to service policy_engine for url: http://<REDACTED>:8087/v1/images. Response: {'httpcode': 500, 'anchore_error_raw': 'b\'{\\n "detail": {\\n "error_codes": []\\n },\\n "httpcode": 500,\\n "message": "(psycopg2.errors.StringDataRightTruncation) value too long for type character varying(74)
What did you expect to happen:
Successful completion of scan
Any relevant log output from /var/log/anchore:
What docker images are you using:
How to reproduce the issue:
Anything else we need to know:
Insert transaction: INSERT INTO image_package_db_entries (image_id, image_user_id, pkg_name, pkg_version, pkg_type, pkg_arch, pkg_path, file_path, is_config_file, digest, digest_algorithm, file_group_name, file_user_name, mode, size)
However, the offending insert does not contain any column values > 74
If anyone finds themselves here, the fix that worked for me was altering the offending column to allow more characters.
ALTER TABLE image_package_db_entries ALTER COLUMN digest TYPE varchar(255);
(255 was arbitrary, any number greater than the offending value would work)
Leaving open, as I believe there may be some bugfix required
Hello @ryanlraines , thanks for bringing this to our attention. Could you retry scanning your image with v0.10.0 and let me know if you are still seeing this issue? We have made numerous improvements to the product including changes to the db schema since v0.8.2.