anb0s / EasyShell

EasyShell - This Eclipse plugin allows to open a shell window or file manager from the popup menu in the navigation tree or editor view. Additionally it is possible to run selected file in the shell, copy file or directory path or run user defined external tools. Key shortcuts and multiple selections are also supported!

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Short-Cut Alt+R in conflict with Eclipse-Main-Menu Run Short-Cut Alt+R

makkimesser opened this issue · comments

The key-binding of Alt+R to EasyShell-Run is in conflict with the Eclipse-Main-Menu Run, that also has binding to Alt+R.

I know, I can unbind it in Preferences, Keys. But I have more that one Eclipse-Instance and have to do this for each again.
I would suggest to change the binding to a short-cut, that is not in conflict with the Eclipse-Main-Menu.

Yes, see this issues also and it's annoying. Should be fixed for 2.2

I will change it to "Alt+Shift+R" - any objections?

In some Editors (e.g. Java-, Lua-Editor) Alt+Shift+R is used for Refactor-Rename elements. What about to use Ctrl-Shift-R?

"Ctrl+Shift+R" is used for "Open Ressource" and lot of other commands are using "Ctrl+Shift+" pattern already - this is why i've used "Alt+" for all commands and also ""Alt+Shift+E" for "Multi Selection".

Hm, i do not see conflict with "Alt+Shift+R" in Java-Editor etc. I'm using "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers" and also "Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers". What is your distribution or can you provide more information?

Concerning Alt+Shift+R see under 7. Refactoring Section.

I use Eclipse JEE-Distribution "Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java Developers" from

It is difficult to find a Short-Cuts that's meaningfull but unused :-(.
What about to add an Entry to the Main-Eclipse Run-Menu?

I tested V2.2.0.v20210403 and I found that the binding Alt-Shift-R is now in conflict with the Java-Editor Refactor-Rename, see my comment above.

Yes, i know :( I will check this "shortcuts" topic together with #175 until v2.2 final release and hope to find something that does not collide with most Eclipse distributions...

"Alt + Shift + R" is just working in all my installations - i do not see any conflicting binding...

Concerning Alt+Shift+R see under 7. Refactoring Section.

Yes sure, but how can i trigger this? I've tried all the perspectives and this binding is just working for EasyShell Run and does not show the rename refactoring as expected. There is no shortcut shown in menu:

Anyway i will use another schema for all commands like "Alt + E" for EasyShell and then additional letter for sub command:

Open JavaEditor, place Cursor on ClassName, then context-menu:

Open JavaEditor, place Cursor on ClassName, then main-menu refactoring:

The shortcuts with Alt+E, R seems a good decision and has minimal conflicts, that does not matter to me:

see Release v2.2.0