a script to rotate passwords on servers concurently, and to save them in an encrypted file.
- Starting point, you will need a file that has a list of all hostnames (one per line) and run the script as below:
# -i serverlist
- If you need to update all servers' passwords just run
# -u
- To update just a subset of servers, point the script to a file containing these hostnames
# --list list_of_failed_server.txt
- To update a single server
# -t
- To get list of servers/passwords printed on stdout.
# -d
# -h
usage: [-h] [-f FORKS] [-p]
(-u | -t HOST | -d | -i INIT_LIST | -l LIST)
This script mass generates and resets a user password on hostnames specified,
and saves them to a file.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FORKS, --forks FORKS
Number of parallel runs, the higher the value, the
faster the passwords reset. Keep an eye on load.
-p, --plain Save the hosts' file in plaintext. WARNING: Secure
handling of the file is the user's responsibility
-u, --updateall This will reset passwords on all servers
-t HOST, --target HOST
Reset password on the target host and update the
servers' file.
-d, --decrypt Decrypt hosts' file and print it to stdout
Initial hosts' file, expects path to a plaintext file
with one IP/FQDN per line. WARNING: existing hosts
file will be overwritten
-l LIST, --list LIST List of hosts to process, expects path to a plaintext
file with one IP/FQDN per line. New entries will be
added to existing hosts file.