anatol / booster

Fast and secure initramfs generator

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Cannot unlock encrypted LUKS partition with fido2 device

R1kaB3rN opened this issue · comments


When there are two keyslots in a LUKS2 header, slot 0 locked with a password and slot 1 with a registered fido2 device, Booster doesn't let the user unlock using the fido2 device. Instead, users are only able to unlock with a password

I can confirm that...

When booting into a flash medium, I am able to unlock my LUKS partition with the same fido2 device

Steps to reproduce

  1. systemd-cryptenroll --wipe-slot=all /dev/nvme0n1p2
  2. systemd-cryptenroll --password /dev/nvme0n1p2
  3. systemd-cryptenroll --fido2-device=auto --fido2-with-user-presence=yes /dev/nvme0n1p2
  4. Add "extra_files: fido2-assert" to /etc/booster.yaml
  5. Add "modules: hid" to /etc/booster.yaml
  6. /usr/lib/booster/regenerate_images

I tried to reproduce when...

  • Only having a fido2 keyslot
  • Registering the same fido2 device twice, resulting in 3 keyslots

Expected behavior

I should be prompted to use my fido2 device. Also, pressing the fido2 device should unlock the encrypted partition in addition to entering the passphrase

Actual behavior

  • I am only able to unlock slot 1 and only prompted to enter a passphrase
  • When registering the fido2 device twice, I am able to unlock the encrypted partition


distribution: archlinux
booster: 0.10-1
systemd: 253.3-3
libfido2: 1.13.0-1