anatol / booster

Fast and secure initramfs generator

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about mounting efivars

dkwo opened this issue · comments


This is more of a question than a bug, hopefully.
I'm trying to understand why, on my laptop runnig void linux, with booster as initram generator, I get

$ mount | grep efi
efivarfs on /sys/firmware/efi/efivars type efivarfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime)

even though I do not mount efivars anywhere that I'm aware of, not in /etc/fstab,
and the init (runit) only mounts /sys, see
mountpoint -q /sys || mount -o nosuid,noexec,nodev -t sysfs sys /sys
but not efivars (there's actually a PR there to do just this in void).

Could booster be affecting any of this?
The laptop is a thinkpad, and I also wonder whether Lenovo's uefi implementation has any role here,
since on another Dell machine with quite similar setup efivars are not mounted.


It is indeed the result of booster bootup.

It mount a number of fs - /run /dev /proc /sys and then moves it userspace. It also mounts efivarfs just in case it is needed for partition autodiscovery, but it never unmounts it.

I am fine to unmount it in case it is not desirable to have it in user-space.


Thanks, afaik it seems fine.
Is it correct that runit then picks up efivarfs when it mounts /sys?


I guess the other machine, still running older booster-0.5_1, does not have efivars mounted as this feature was introduced later on in booster?

The efivars mount was introduced in commit d5e900d that is part of 0.7 release.


Thanks for the prompt response.
I now understand how this works, and it seems totally fine to me.