anand0xff / practise

sandbox for developing our two-developer workflow

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


sandbox for developing our two-developer workflow created by developer A

  • master branch has no files
  • give collab status to developer D

Step 1:

A locally makes a dev branch of the master branch for future advances, adev, and pushes adev

  • A creates a file that only A edits,

  • A creates a file that both A and D will work on in their respective branches,

  • A does not push local copy of the changed branch adev to the repo in adev contains these lines:
      x = 1  
      z = 3.142  
      boo = True  
      abcd = 5

Step 2:

D locally makes a dev branch of the master branch for future advances: ddev, and pushes ddev

  • B creates a file that only D edits,

  • B creates a file that both D and A work on in their respective branches,,

  • is different from A's file of the same name

  • D does not push local copy of the changed branch ddev to the repo in ddev contains these lines: 
      x = 1  
      z = 2.718   
      log = True  
      wxyz  = 15  

Step 3:

Merging with resolving conflicts:

  • A pushes adev, D pushed ddev to the repo
  • A makes a pull request to B to merge adev with the primary development branch dev
  • D merges, resolving any conflicts by accepting A's versions

Step 4:

Propagate changes of stable development branch to the master

  • A makes a pull request for D to merge dev with master
  • They resolve problems using issues?


sandbox for developing our two-developer workflow