analytically / innerbuilder

IntelliJ IDEA plugin which generates an inner builder class

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Fields are missing

ehmkah opened this issue · comments

When I create an classfile and add field by field I want to create the builder for each field I added, because there are other modifications elsewhere required.

My problem is that after adding a field to the class the builder doe not provide this new field . First I thought I have to recompile the project than the builder can see the fields, but this did not work.

Any idea, how to force the builder to see the new fields?

It seems that the inner builder has problems if I create fields with intelli features. My workflow:

  • modify method "Object getSomething() {return null } to "Object getSomething() {return something;}"
  • use intellij Feature to automatically create field something;
  • builder is not working.

If I create the field by hand than it works.