analytically / innerbuilder

IntelliJ IDEA plugin which generates an inner builder class

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Support fields prefixes

julioyg opened this issue · comments

When the POJO fields are prefixed, i.e with m --> private String mName the guilder with generated method is withMName(String val) is there any way to change it to be withName(String name) (as well as the param name)?

Same issue/question.

All of our private internal class variables start with _, for example _id.

When using the builder, this creates build methods named public void _id(UUID id).

Ideally, the methods would be public void id(UUID id).

By specifying a prefix, we could provide _ and then everything would look "nicer".

Otherwise 👍 on the plugin!

Any update here?

This would be a great addition. Any news?

I came to this page to open this myself. Is this project still open? I'd be happy to try and submit a PR myself.

Edit: It seems like the last commit was to remove the link to the twitter account to follow development, so I'm not sure this is maintained. In case anyone is here, I found this project builder-generator-idea-plugin, which seems to have this feature, so I'm switching to this. Hope that's helpful!