analogdevicesinc / ToF

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Build failed on windows - ssize_t

daniyalyasin93 opened this issue · comments

The build fails on windows for target aditofpython with Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 win64.

The error is:

aditofpython.cpp(142,25): error C2065: 'ssize_t': undeclared identifier [D:\Work\Repos\ToF\scripts\windows\build\bindings\python\aditofpython.vcxproj]

The solution is to include the header BaseTsd.h. This is described here: ycm-core/YouCompleteMe#3949 (comment)

Hi! Can you please share the Python version that you are using?

I have python 3.10.1

I use python 3.9. I didn't update to anything higher due to this error.
Thank you for the fix!

Thank you for approving. Glad to be able to contribute