anaisbetts / midi-mixer-wavexlr

A Wave Link plugin for MIDI Mixer

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Set output device for monitor mix via button

5Hu opened this issue · comments



Is it possible to add a function that we can set the output device for the monitor mix?


Moin, I am also looking for a way to change the monitor devices with one button.
Does this already exist? Can it be that I am stupid?
Thanks for your work.
toggle monitor device

Since the streamdeck can do this, I think this could be accomplished via the plugin. Though it would require a lot of work, because you'd have to be able to select the two output devices to switch between in the plugin settings.

I've looked into this and for this to be possible there needs to be a change in MIDI Mixer first. Right now you can create setup pages for your plugin, but you can't feed those pages with dynamic data. On this page they say:
Future releases of MIDI Mixer's Plugin API are expected to contain bidirectional settings (where you can retrieve and set all settings) and more input types.

So we'll need to wait on that before this is even possible.