amura11 / Simple-Unobtrusive-Bootstrap-Remote-Dialog

A simple and lightweight library to provide a Booststrap based remote modals

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Simple Unobtrusive Bootstrap Remote Dialog

A simple and lightweight library to unobtrusively provide Bootstrap modals with remotely loaded content. The library is built to make opening dialogs whose content is loaded from the server with minimal setup on the developers part.

The library will automatically perform a GET request for the content and load the response into the modal-content div. The response should be a HTML string but setting the parser option allows for custom parsing of the result.


###HTML5 Data Attribute Setup This will load the result of the get response into a modal. All events from this modal will be of the form <event>

<button type="button" class="btn" data-toggle="remote-dialog" data-url="" data-identifier="my-dialog">
    Open Modal

###JavaScript Setup

    identifier: 'my-dialog'
    url: ''

##Toggle Button Options

###Toggle (required) HTML5 Data Attribute: data-toggle

JavaScript: N/A

The value of this option must be remote-dialog. This indicates that when this element is toggled it will open a remote dialog with the given options.

###Identifier (required) HTML5 Data Attribute: data-identifier

JavaScript: identifier

The identifier option is used to uniquely identify the dialog that is currently open. The library uses one modal for all dialogs and uses the option to distinguish events. When an event is triggered this identifier is put into the id attribute of the .modal-content div

###Url (required) HTML5 Data Attribute: data-url

JavaScript: url

The URL option is the address to send the Ajax get request to.

##Modal Button Options

###Confirm HTML5 Data Attribute: data-confirm

When a confirm message is present and this is set to true a confirm message is shown when this button is clicked. This option is implied to be true when data-confirm-message is present and can be left out.

###Confirm Message HTML5 Data Attribute: data-confirm-message

When set a confirm message with the value of this attribute is shown when the owning button is clicked.

###Confirmation Accept Text HTML5 Data Attribute: data-confirm-accept-text

The text to display in the accept button when the confirmation message is displayed

###Confirmation Cancel Text HTML5 Data Attribute: data-confirm-cancel-text

The text to display in the cancel button when the confirmation message is displayed

###Submit HTML5 Data Attribute: data-submit

When set to true and data-submit-url is set any form data in the dialog is submitted to the given URL. The RemoteDialog.handlers.submit function is used by default when submitting the data. This option is implied to be true when data-submit-url is present and can be left out.

###Submit URL HTML5 Data Attribute: data-submit-url

When set to a URL and data-submit is not set or true, any form data in the dialog is submitted to the given URL. The RemoteDialog.handlers.submit function is used by default when submitting the data.

###Reaload HTML5 Data Attribute: data-reload

When set to true and data-reload-url is set the modal content is reloaded from the given URL. The RemoteDialog.handlers.load function is used by default when reload the modal. This option is implied to be true when data-reload-url is present and can be left out.

###Reaload URL HTML5 Data Attribute: data-reload-url

When set to a URL and data-reload is not set or true, the modal content is reloaded from the given URL. The RemoteDialog.handlers.load function is used by default when reload the modal.

##Events All events that are triggered by the library will be of the form <event>.dialog and will be triggered by the .modal-content div.

###Shown Full Event Name: shown.dialog

Triggered: After the content has been loaded and the modal is made visible

Parameters: None

###Hidden Full Event Name: hidden.dialog

Triggered: After the modal has been closed and all animations have completed

Parameters: None

###Loaded Full Event Name: loaded.dialog

Triggered: When the Ajax requests is successful

Parameters: None

###Load Error Full Event Name: load-error.dialog

Triggered: When the Ajax requests results in an error.

Parameters: jqXHR jqXHR, PlainObject ajaxSettings, String thrownError

//TODO: Complete Event List


The library uses a set of handlers for loading the content and submitting any form data. These are stored in a publicly accessible variable called RemoteDialog.handlers. These handlers are made public so that they can be overridden to use custom logic if needed. Below is a basic description of each handler and any requirements needed for each.

//TODO: Complete handlers list


The library automatically adds elements to the page and to the modal. This content is stored inside of template variables that can be overridden with custom content if needed. Below is a description of each template and the basic requirements of each.

//TODO: Complete template list


A simple and lightweight library to provide a Booststrap based remote modals

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 88.4%Language:HTML 11.6%