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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool - No data loaded in Neptune

vle1 opened this issue · comments


I am trying to set up Amundsen with Neptune backend. I've configured Neptune and AWS Elasticsearch and launched the Amundsen services through the bootstrap docker-compose example.

The sample data loader completes without error. I see files written to S3 and data written to ES, search also works on the Amundsen frontend, however there does not seem to be any data written to Neptune and loading the homepage or any table page (from search results) fails with HTTP 500 errors.

I have set up all the IAM trust relationships and I'm running the script from an EC2 within the same VPC and am assuming the role created for Neptune/S3/ES full access.

Checking status in Neptune via Sagemaker Jupyter notebook shows status healthy

{'status': 'healthy',
 'startTime': 'Thu Jan 26 23:37:02 UTC 2023',
 'dbEngineVersion': '',
 'role': 'writer',
 'dfeQueryEngine': 'viaQueryHint',
 'gremlin': {'version': 'tinkerpop-3.5.2'},
 'sparql': {'version': 'sparql-1.1'},
 'opencypher': {'version': 'Neptune-9.0.20190305-1.0'},
 'labMode': {'ObjectIndex': 'disabled',
  'ReadWriteConflictDetection': 'enabled'},
 'features': {'ResultCache': {'status': 'disabled'},
  'IAMAuthentication': 'enabled',
  'Streams': 'disabled',
  'AuditLog': 'disabled'},
 'settings': {'clusterQueryTimeoutInMs': '120000'}}

Running sparql query to view any graphs in Neptune shows nothing


  GRAPH ?g { ?s ?p ?o }
  "head": {
    "vars": [
  "results": {
    "bindings": []


Thanks for opening your first issue here!


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