amschaal / bioshare

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Lab/Group centric views and functionality

amschaal opened this issue · comments


Create a more robust concept of a Group/Lab. Shares may be associated with a lab (or more than one?).

Create a view that starts with labs, then drills down to shares:

  • RossBob
    • Happy Trees
    • Majestic Mountains
  • VanGough
    • Starry Night
    • etc

Have other group central functionality:

  • Account info
  • Users
  • Group admin

Make sure that access to groups is restricted appropriately. Perhaps add another user permission and assign it to core users.


Allow a user with create share permission to easily create a share that is shared with that given group.


Only show groups menu item if they are a part of a group or can manage groups. This should be accomplished by setting something on the session when they log in. It would be too expensive to check this on every single page load.