Amrita-TIFAC-Cyber-Blockchain / 2023_19CSE447-Cloud-Computing

19CSE447 - Cloud Computing - 7th Sem - B.E. ECE, CCE, EEE & ELC (Elective) - ASE, CBE

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19CSE447 - Cloud Computing

19CSE447 - Cloud Computing - 7th Sem - B.E. EEE, ELC, CCE, ECE (Elective) - ASE, CBE

🧑‍🏫 Course Instructor: Ramaguru R, Assistant Professor, TIFAC-CORE in Cyber Security.

📚 Course Outcome

CO# CO Description
CO1 Understanding the basic concepts related to cloud computing technologies
CO2 Familiarize with architecture of different cloud services and deployments models
CO3 Introduce to virtualization in cloud computing and various virtualization platforms
CO4 Learn how to use various cloud computing platforms like AWS, Google, etc.

⌚ Course Plan and Status

Unit # Lecture No. Topic No. of Hours
# # Course and Class Introduction
1 1 Introduction to Cloud Computing 1
1 1 Definition of Cloud Computing 1
1 Evolution of Cloud Computing
1 NIST Reference Model
1 Benefits and Challenges of Cloud Adoption
1 Introduction to popular Cloud Platforms
2 Virtualization and Cloud Computing Architecture
2 Introduction & Characteristic of Virtualized Environments
2 Taxonomy of Virtualization Techniques
2 Technology Examples. Containers: Docker, Linux containers
3 Distributed Computing
3 Case Study Presentation

Complimentary Courses (through AWS Academy)

Evaluation Criteria

Components Marks
[Internal][CA] Courses - AWS Sem-I 4
[Internal][CA] Courses - AWS Sem-II 4
[Internal][CA] Assignment - 1 2
[Internal][CA] Assignment - 2 5
[Internal][CA] Quiz 5
[Internal][CA] Research Survery and Presentation 10
[Internal] Mid-Term 30
[External] End-Semester Exam 40


Click Here to view Mini-Project Topics and Teams
Click Here to view Docker Videos and Details

Dates and Deadlines

Course Start 03 - Aug - 2023
Online Course Start 03 - Aug - 2023
Research Paper and Topic Finalization 03 - Aug - 2023
Completion of AWS S-I Course 04 - Oct - 2023
Mid-Term Exam 09 - Oct - 2023
Completion of AWS S-II Course 12 - Nov - 2023
Research Paper Presentation 10 - Dec - 2023 to 14 - Dec - 2023
End Semester Exam 27 - Dec - 2023
Results Annoucement 02 - Feb - 2024

📗 Text and Reference Books

  • Text: Anthony T Velte, “Cloud Computing: A practical Approach”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2009.
  • Reference : Rajkumar Buyya, Christian Vecchiola and ThamariSelvi S, “Mastering in Cloud Computing”, McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, 2013.
  • Reference : Halper Fern, Kaufman Marcia, Bloor Robin and Hurwit Judith, “Cloud Computing for Dummies”, Wiley India, 2009.
  • Reference : Michael Miller, “Cloud Computing”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2009.

📓 Materials and Resources


19CSE447 - Cloud Computing - 7th Sem - B.E. ECE, CCE, EEE & ELC (Elective) - ASE, CBE