amplify-education / serverless-domain-manager

Serverless plugin for managing custom domains with API Gateways.

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CodeBuild fails to run when create_domain is invoked

steadweb opened this issue Β· comments

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Bug Report

Error Description
No error output and CodeBuild hangs when calling SLS_DEBUG=* serverless create_domain --stage="dev" --region="eu-west-2"

Command Run

SLS_DEBUG=* serverless create_domain --stage="dev" --region="eu-west-2"

Console Output
Nothing, build fails and timesout. No errors in the log.

Domain Manager Configuration
Replace this with your own serverless.yml file (anonymized, of course) to help us better resolve your issue.

      domainName: DOMAIN
      createRoute53Record: false
      endpointType: 'regional'
      certificateArn: CERT_ARN


  • Domain Manager version(s): 5.1.0
  • Node/npm version: Node 12.x / NPM 6.x
  • Serverless Version: 2.39.2
  • Lambda Code: NodeJS

Additional notes
If I remove this command from CodeBuild, it works fine. My assumption is it can't find the Certificate but the logs aren't telling me this. Or it can't communicate with API Gateway?

by any chance do you have serverless-offline-aws-eventbridge plugin on your serverless.yml?

I just discovered that a new version of serverless-offline-aws-eventbridge introduced new dependencies like mqtt and aedes and for some reason it causes the create_domain command to hang indefinetly.

I nailed it down to the yield and generators code of the transpiled code for this plugin but could not go more deep on that.

Hi @steadweb

Hope you have solved this issue.

We are not supporting 5.x anymore please try our latest version 6.x and let us know in case of any issues