amphp / postgres

Async Postgres client for PHP based on Amp.

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Why just "RESET ALL" is used to reset the state of a pooled connection?

fabriziomello opened this issue · comments

Hi all,

While looking at how connection pool is implemented I got surprised about the current implementation uses just RESET ALL [1] statement to do the job. According PostgreSQL documentation [2] it will reset just run-time parameters.

Sorry about my very newbie question about the project. I just got curious about how advanced things we can do with PHP nowadays (used PHP for long time in the past) and nowadays I help PostgreSQL development.

So if the real intention here is to restore connection to it initial state in PostgreSQL it should use DISCARD ALL [3] instead, because can exist other temp resource we can left behind without doing it that can lead us to leak resources, for example:

  • cached plans and sequences
  • prepared statements
  • temporary tables
  • advisory locks

Another example is pgbouncer [1] the most known connection pool for PostgreSQL that uses DISCARD ALL as the default of server_reset_query.



Thanks for bringing this to my attention. The intention was restoring the connection to the initial state. I was not aware of DISCARD ALL and thought RESET ALL was the correct statement. I'll update the code and tag a release.