ammen99 / wf-recorder

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-a<device>/--audio=<device> not working?

Rabcor opened this issue · comments

whenever I try to use -a/--audio option like so:


it will not work, sure the output will say Using PulseAudio device: easyeffects_sink, but it'll say that to whatever I type even if it is not a valid device.

It does actually record audio, just not with the device I tell it to, instead it always defaults to recording my microphone, it doesn't really matter what I type, but I'm trying to get it to record the playback sound (e.g. sink). And I just cannot seem to do it.

It sounds like you want the .monitor device to record. Check pactl list sources | grep Name and use a device name that has '.monitor' appended to the end.

It sounds like you want the .monitor device to record. Check pactl list sources | grep Name and use a device name that has '.monitor' appended to the end.

Hmm yes, that works, but I didn't need to do that with ffmpeg 🤔

Maybe ffmpeg has more auto-magically-working code :)

Maybe ffmpeg has more auto-magically-working code :)

isn't wf-recorder using ffmpeg? Shouldn't it be able to leverage features ffmpeg already has? I mean I see that it can do that for some things, likke the codec settings and pix_fmt. Why not this too?

Maybe ffmpeg has more auto-magically-working code :)

isn't wf-recorder using ffmpeg? Shouldn't it be able to leverage features ffmpeg already has? I mean I see that it can do that for some things, likke the codec settings and pix_fmt. Why not this too?

We use the library ffmpeg, not the front-end program (also called ffmpeg). These features would be part of the frontend.

Ah, I understand. Well you've done a good job, even if the syntax is quite odd at times it works, i was even able to fully translate my ffmpeg screencap command to wf-recorder.