amitds1997 / remote-nvim.nvim

Remote development in Neovim 🔥

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checkhealth error

bojohnson5 opened this issue · comments

I'm working on MacOS with a new install of Neovim v0.9.1 from Homebrew and using LazyVim. I've added a file under .config/nvim/lua/plugins that is

   tag = "v0.0.1", -- It is recommended that you keep this pinned to a tag
   -- so that you do not pick up breaking changes
   dependencies = {
       -- This would be an optional dependency eventually

After this plugin installs and I run :checkhealth I get an error

Screen Shot 2023-08-26 at 8 54 46 PM

I'm not sure where I put a config table when working with LazyVim. How do I go about getting this set up?

Could you try this?

   tag = "v0.0.1", -- It is recommended that you keep this pinned to a tag
   -- so that you do not pick up breaking changes
   dependencies = {
       -- This would be an optional dependency eventually
   config = true,

I also use lazy.nvim as the package manager which powers LazyVim too. And had no issue with it on v0.9.1. Only scenario I can imagine is that the setup() did not get called, in which case, config would indeed be nil.

I solved it by watching the YouTube video and adding to the setup function:

local remote_nvim = function()
  local util = require("remote-nvim.utils")
    -- Configuration for SSH connections made using this plugin
    ssh_config = {
      -- Binary with this name would be searched on your runtime path and would be
      -- used to run SSH commands. Rename this if your SSH binary is something else
      ssh_binary = "ssh",
      -- Similar to `ssh_binary`, but for copying over files onto remote server
      scp_binary = "scp",
      -- All your SSH config file paths.
      ssh_config_file_paths = { "$HOME/.ssh/config" },
      -- This helps the plugin to understand when the underlying binary expects
      -- input from user. This is useful for password-based authentication and
      -- key-based authentication.
      -- Explanation for each prompt:
      -- match - string - This would be matched with the SSH output to decide if
      -- SSH is waiting for input. This is a plain match (not a regex one)
      -- type - string - Takes two values "secret" or "plain". "secret" indicates
      -- that the value you would enter is a secret and should not be logged into
      -- your input history
      -- input_prompt - string - What is the input prompt that should be shown to
      -- user when this match happens
      -- value_type - string - Takes two values "static" and "dynamic". "static"
      -- means that the value can be cached for the same prompt for future commands
      -- (e.g. your password) so that you do not have to keep typing it again and
      -- again. This is retained in-memory and is not logged anywhere. When you
      -- close the editor, it is cleared from memory. "dynamic" is for something
      -- like MFA codes which change every time.
      ssh_prompts = {
          match = "password:",
          type = "secret",
          input_prompt = "Enter password: ",
          value_type = "static",
          value = "",
          match = "continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?",
          type = "plain",
          input_prompt = "Do you want to continue connection (yes/no)? ",
          value_type = "static",
          value = "",
    -- Installation script location on local machine (If you have your own custom
    -- installation script and you do not want to use the packaged install script.
    -- It should accept the same inputs as the packaged install script though)
    neovim_install_script_path = util.path_join(
    -- Where should everything that Remote Neovim does on remote be stored. By
    -- default, it stores everything inside ~/.remote-nvim so as long as you
    -- delete that folder, you essentially wipe out everything that remote-nvim
    -- has over there.
    remote_neovim_install_home = util.path_join(util.is_windows, "~", ".remote-nvim"),
    -- Where is your personal Neovim config stored?
    neovim_user_config_path = util.path_join(util.is_windows, "~", ".config", "nvim"),
    local_client_config = {
      -- modify this function to override how your client launches
      -- function should accept two arguments function(local_port, workspace_config)
      -- local_port is the port on which the remote server is available locally
      -- workspace_config contains the workspace config. For all attributes present
      -- in it, see WorkspaceConfig in ./lua/remote-nvim/config.lua.
      -- See examples of callback in
      callback = nil,
      -- [Subject to change]: These values may be subject to change, so there
      -- might be a breaking change. Right now, it uses the [plenary.nvim#win_float.percentage_range_window](
      default_client_config = {
        col_percent = 0.9,
        row_percent = 0.9,
        win_opts = {
          winblend = 0,
        border_opts = {
          topleft = "â•­",
          topright = "â•®",
          top = "─",
          left = "│",
          right = "│",
          botleft = "â•°",
          botright = "╯",
          bot = "─",

return {
  tag = "v0.0.1",
  dependencies = {
  config = remote_nvim,

You can also just do


and it should work. These are the default options.

You can also just do


and it should work. These are the default options.

where should I write that line? in what file?

You can also just do


and it should work. These are the default options.

where should I write that line? in what file?

This is for an older version. The README instructions should set things up correctly. If you are facing any particular issues, could you open a new issue?