amiratag / ACE

Towards Automatic Concept-based Explanations

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

save_dir subdirectory explanations?

justcho5 opened this issue · comments

I did a small test with some random images and was wondering if you had some explanations for the directories within save_dir. In addition the annotations on the save_dir/results/*.png images (images are annotated with some numbers..). This would be really helpful to understand the results!

Thank you

Aha thanks for asking. The images are basically the discovered concepts' examples (segments of original images that belong to that concept). The numbering is just an index.

Does the numbering then refer to which concept it is? Are the images split to rows to signify some group? Sorry I'm still a bit confused. As an example, the following image is one row from the results folder. A few numbers (indexes) are repeated. Does the row of images mean something and what does the index refer to?
Screen Shot 2019-11-14 at 15 05 15

I think I understand that each row represents a concept, but what does the index refer to?

  • So every row stands for a concept (a row of image pairs).

  • The number is the index of the original discovery image the concept is extracted from. (If you look again, for both of your examples where '1' is printed, the original image is the same)

-In each row, for each image pair, the image on the top is the extracted concept while the image on the bottom is the original image the concept is extracted from (shown by the yellow boundary). For instance:
