amir-zeldes / xrenner

eXternally configurable REference and Non Named Entity Recognizer

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decouple reading input and process_sentence

amir-zeldes opened this issue · comments

Refactor to read all sentences first, then send them incrementally to process_sentence in This will allow document level logic, such as genre classification on all tokens or doing a document length pass for entity recognition using CRF.

@loganpeng1992 : this is an important architectural change which will allow us to incorporate document-level features in prediction. We'll do this in a couple of steps to make things less complicated. For now step 1:

  • Look at the code here:
  • Try debugging a run through a sample document to see what it does
  • The goal is to first read in all sentences, and only call process_sentence on each sentence after they have all been read:
    • Note that variables like current_sentence and tokoffset are needed by process_sentence and change along the way, so you will have to move their calculation to the 'lower' loop calling process_sentence
    • The purpose of the new 'higher' loop is to have a chance to see all tokens in the document before any coref/entity processing has actually been done, which happens in process_sentence.

No need to add any new functionality in step 1: just try to decouple reading the input for all sentences, so that we can call process_sentence on each of them later.

Another important thing: use the develop branch for this, not Chinese-dev

Implemented in V2.1