AmiCatPrincess / Nutiop

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


function prompt(question, callback) { let stdin = process.stdin, stdout = process.stdout

stdin.resume() stdout.write(question)

stdin.once('data', function (data) { callback(data.toString().trim()) }) } .wrap { filter: drop-shadow(0 0 10px gray); version: '3'

services: git-server: image: rockstorm/git-server container_name: git-server restart: unless-stopped

  # Password for the git user
  GIT_PASSWORD: 'LoLoLo123LoLoLo123'

  # Path where the file with the password for the git user will be
  # mounted in the container in order to replace the default one
  # GIT_PASSWORD_FILE: /run/secrets/git_password

  # Setting this variable creates a link in the git user directory
  # to access repositories without absolute paths

  # Path where the SSH host keys will be mounted in the container
  # in order to replace the default keys
  # SSH_HOST_KEYS_PATH: /tmp/host-keys

  # Set specific UID and GID for the git user
  # GIT_USER_UID: 1001
  # GIT_USER_GID: 1001

  # Folder with git repositories
  - git-repositories:/srv/git

  # File containing the SSH keys of clients that will be allowed
  # to use this service through a public key
  - ./.ssh/authorized_keys:/home/git/.ssh/authorized_keys

  # Configuration file for the OpenSSH daemon to use instead of
  # the one that is generated by default
  - ./sshd_config:/etc/ssh/sshd_config:ro

  # Disable interactive SSH login for the git user
  # - /executable/file:/home/git/git-shell-commands/no-interactive-login

  - '2222:22'

cgit: image: 'ankitrgadiya/cgit:debian-nginx' container_name: cgit volumes: - git-repositories:/git ports: - '80:80'

