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How do I access all entities with a certain component?

eboatwright opened this issue · comments

To learn specs, I'm working on making a breakout clone. So, for the Ball component, I need to be able to access the Paddle to get it's position (for collisions). And, I can't figure out how to do it :(

Have you read through the SPECS book?

Yeah I've read through it :( Basically, what I need is a way to just do like "Entities.get_entity_with_tag("paddle")" or something like that. Because, I need to access the Transform component on the paddle Entity from the ball System to check for collisions.

I figured out a temporary solution. Is this good?
struct BallSystem;

impl<'a> System<'a> for BallSystem {
type SystemData = (
ReadStorage<'a, Transform>,
WriteStorage<'a, RigidBody>,
ReadStorage<'a, Ball>,
ReadStorage<'a, Paddle>,

fn run(&mut self, (transform, mut rigidbody, ball, paddle): Self::SystemData) {
    for (e_transform, e_rigidbody, e_ball) in (&transform, &mut rigidbody, &ball).join() {
        if is_key_pressed(KeyCode::Space)
        && e_rigidbody.velocity == Vec2::ZERO {
            e_rigidbody.velocity = vec2(e_ball.move_speed, -e_ball.move_speed);

        if e_transform.position.x < 0.0
        || e_transform.position.x > SCREEN_WIDTH as f32 - 13.0 {
            e_rigidbody.velocity.x *= -1.0;

        if e_transform.position.y < 0.0 {
            e_rigidbody.velocity.y *= -1.0;

        for (p_transform, _p_paddle) in (&transform, &paddle).join() {
            if e_transform.position.y + 13.0 > p_transform.position.y
            && e_transform.position.x + 13.0 > p_transform.position.x
            && e_transform.position.x < p_transform.position.x + 80.0
            && e_rigidbody.velocity.y > 0.0 {
                e_rigidbody.velocity.y *= -1.0;


I figured out a temporary solution. Is this good?

Yes. SPECS does not support querying for specific entities with certain components, only the set of all entities with a particular set of components.

If specific entities have a special meaning in your project then I'd advise storing their Entity in some global resource to make finding them faster.

Ok! Thank you for your help! I'm not very experienced with Rust if you couldn't tell XD