ambethia / recaptcha

ReCaptcha helpers for ruby apps

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Timeout related error message is unclear

Jhunter1 opened this issue · comments

We recently had an issue with a slow DNS lookup (10 seconds) on our Ruby on Rails web server which caused the code to timeout and fail after about 10 seconds. This error message could be made clearer I think for future users facing similar issues?

"Oops, we failed to validate your reCAPTCHA response. Please try again."

In our case the client doesn't get a 500 error - they only get the custom error message that has been added to our website's code. The error from the recaptcha Gem is "Oops, we failed to validate your reCAPTCHA response. Please try again." and we send that to a log file/Rails.logger.warn as shown below:

if verify_recaptcha(model: @user)
      @user.deliver_reset_password_instructions! if @user
      redirect_to(root_path, :notice => 'Instructions have been sent to your email.')
        Rails.logger.warn("recapthca error #{@user.errors.full_messages}")
        flash[:alert] = "recaptcha not verified!"
        render :action => :new

I am not a full time dev so I will leave it up to you to decide if it is worth changing the error message and if it can be helpful for others