ambethia / recaptcha

ReCaptcha helpers for ruby apps

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Async default callback comes with recaptcha_v3 script causes "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token function"

krishnakumarhegde opened this issue · comments

When using recaptch_v3 it adds 2 default callback methods executeRecaptchaFor#{sanitize_action_for_js(action)} and executeRecaptchaFor#{sanitize_action_for_js(action)}Async . While running automations its failing with "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token function" error. (Best guess something to do with node version and async). But only adding a callback one without async works fine. Achieved this through sending turbolinks: true option in recaptch_v3 method. Please suggest if this is the right way, thanks!

no idea, best tag someone who worked on it ... if you find a bug or bad docs plz make a PR to fix it