ambethia / recaptcha

ReCaptcha helpers for ruby apps

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Mutliple recaptcha forms on a single page

timobleeker opened this issue · comments


I recently opened a PR in an effort to allow mutliple invisible recaptcha forms on the same page by using the id of the recaptcha element in the callback function.

However, this hasn't actually achieved what I set out to do. As the invisible recaptcha callback function is generated n times (once for each captcha). They all have the same name so the last function will override any previous ones.

A user can add a custom callback which is the easiest workaround, but I still feel this gem could/should support multiple captchas without hassle.

I'm not really sure how to address this yet. I'm happy to spend some more time on this, but just posting it here as an issue in case other people run into same. Also keen to hear any suggestions on how to approach this.

How did you solve this using custom callback!
I am having the same issue and it is a pain.