ambethia / recaptcha

ReCaptcha helpers for ruby apps

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devise 4.7.1 no params on challenge failure

mices opened this issue · comments


I'm using devise 4.7.1 If the recaptcha challenge fails then none of my form field parameters pass model validations for presence so I get blank field errors for all fields if I don't check the recaptcha box

so recaptch clears the params when it fails ?
... maybe something is replacing the params with it's .to_h version, which would result in them being empty ?
... try dumping params before/after recaptcha and their class, maybe override params .to_h and replace to raise so you see if it's called and where
... try without calling recaptcha and see if it still happens
... bundle open recaptcha and see where it changes params

i am facing the same issue.. any luck?
