amaxwell01 / better_error_messages

I want to compile a list of error messages which can be used for specific use cases.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


I want to compile a list of error messages which can be used for specific use cases.

Status Codes

Status Codes

Sucess 2xx:

*200 - OK *201 - Created *202 - Accepted *203 - Partial Information *204 - No Response

Redirection 3xx

301 - Moved 302 - Found 303 - Method 304 - Not Modified

Error 4xx, 5xx:

400 - Bad request 401 - Unauthorized 402 - PaymentRequired 403 - Forbidden 404 - Not found 500 - Internal Error 501 - Not implemented 502 - Service temporarily overloaded 503 - Gateway timeout


I want to compile a list of error messages which can be used for specific use cases.