amanusk / s-tui

Terminal-based CPU stress and monitoring utility

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Provide license file on PyPI

tim77 opened this issue · comments

Step 1: Describe your environment

  • System (Intel/AMD/Raspberry Pi etc): AMD
  • OS version: Fedora
  • s-tui version: 1.1.1
  • Installation method(pip/PPA/source code): DNF/RPM

Step 2: Describe the problem:

Observed Results:

Currently LICENSE file available only on GitHub. Please provide also LICENSE file on PyPI. This is MUST requirement for packaging into official repos in Fedora. Thanks!

I am not sure why I am not getting Email notifications on these issues. Sorry for the late response. I'll try to fix this asap

Hi @tim77
Sorry again for the delay.
Is the current stat of PyPi satisfactory?
If not, can you please show me an example of what additional information should be included?

@amanusk hi. I did test build with 1.1.3 and License file available on PyPI. 👍 I think we can close this now.

Do you plan to tag new version on Github as well BTW?

Will do

@tim77 done