amanusk / s-tui

Terminal-based CPU stress and monitoring utility

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Temperature threshold is not run

bennaux opened this issue · comments

Step 1: Describe your environment

  • System (Intel/AMD/Raspberry Pi etc): Intel, Notebook
  • OS version: Ubuntu 18.04 Live DVD
  • s-tui version: 1.0.0
  • Installation method(pip/PPA/source code): sudo pip install s-tui

Step 2: Describe the problem:

I've placed a file ~/.config/s-tui/hooks.d/

echo "$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S) EMERGENCY KILL BECAUSE OF HIGH TEMPERATURE" >> ~/stresstest.txt
killall stress
killall mprime

Made it executable: chmod +x ~/.config/s-tui/hooks.d/

And invoked s-tui like this:

s-tui --csv --no-mouse -tt 40

Started stress:

stress --cpu 4 --timeout 20s

The temperatures shoot right over the given 40 degrees, but the stress command always terminates itself after the 20 seconds and is not killed by the threshold script.

I've tried to call it as well, with no effects...

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for the bug report. This is indeed a somewhat untainted feature. It was relevant when s-tui was only displaying a single temperature sensor. Now that it displays all, I'm not sure how to build the feature so the alert will only fire for a specific sensor, for for several.

Maybe it would be possible to split it up somehow?

A minimal approach could be to just compare max(sensor1, sensor2, ...) with the threshold.

Indeed, the minimal approach is what we'll use for now.
I've pushed a fix and and update for the readme. The file indeed needs to be called
Regardless, a fix was needed to correctly respect the passed parameters for the threshold temperature (-tt)

I pushed a fix in version 1.0.2. Please verify. Thank you

Thank you very much -- I do not have any machine to verify it at the moment, but I will have one in a few months and try it. :-)