Alexander Chetverkin's repositories
A compilation of resources I deem to be useful for 21/42 piscine.
Colorised Norminette 42
ft_services will introduce you to Kubernetes. You will discover cluster management and deployment with Kubernetes. You will virtualize a network and do "clustering".
My solutions to ecole42 exams.
In this project, you will learn the basics of threading a process and how to work on the same memory space. You will learn how to make threads. You will discover the mutex, semaphore and shared memory.
During the project implementation, you will learn the basics of SQL and work with the H2 database. You will also learn about advanced Java features such as Collections.
In this project, you will create a simple Spring REST service that will help you manage a small movie theatre. Handle HTTP requests in controllers, create services and respond with JSON objects.
Write a small module to filter flights according to a set of rules. Number of rules can be quite large so is the number of flights. The rules can be chosen and set dynamically depending on the execution context. Additionally you can use JUnit to cover your code with tests.
The objective of this project is for you to create a simple shell. Yes, your own little bash or zsh. You will learn a lot about processes and file descriptors.
This project is designed to help you understand the specificities of the C++ language when compared to C. Time to dive into Object Oriented Programming!
Sort numbers, words and lines by count or naturally.