am-impact / amnav

Navigation plugin for Craft

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Template Error

dgrebb opened this issue · comments

This was done on a dev environment after the Craft 2.5 beta came out. Steps taken:

  1. Upgrade Craft to 2.5.2715
  2. Upgrade amnav from 1.1.7 to 1.7.0
  3. Navigate to
  4. Template error:
Template Error

Variable "menus" does not exist

/Users/dgrebb/Projects/00 Sandbox/craftcms/craft/plugins/amnav/templates/_index.twig(17)

06 {% if currentUser.admin or settings.canDoActions %}
07     {% set sidebar %}
08         <div class="buttons">
09             <a href="{{ url('amnav/new') }}"><div class="btn submit add icon">{{ 'New navigation'|t }}</div></a>
10         </div>
11     {% endset %}
12 {% endif %}
14 {% set content %}
15     <h1>{{ 'Created navigations'|t }}</h1>
17     <div id="nonavigations"{% if navigations %} class="hidden"{% endif %}>

Line 17 is the one in question. Any ideas?

AmNav doesn't seem to work properly with 2.5 at all at the moment. Your issue is something else I'd say, since line 17 doesn't correspond with the error you're receiving. Try to remove the template cache in the CP and see what happens :)

Thanks Hubert. That did it (and now I see the breaking :)

@dgrebb It's been updated for Craft 2.5 in the dev branch :)