am-impact / amnav

Navigation plugin for Craft

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

How to add class to anchor tag within <li>

sethburtonhall opened this issue · comments

by default active is added to the <li>. Is it possible to add active to the <a>?

Sorry for the late reply.

I could make an option for this in the getNav tag, but for now, you can simply use the getNavRaw tag and adjust the navigation in the way you want it.

In your case, based on the example in the readme:

{% set nav = craft.amNav.getNavRaw("yourNavigationHandle") %}

{% macro addNodeToNavigation(node, index) %}
    {%- set linkClasses = [] -%}
    {%- set nodeClasses = [] -%}
    {%- if node.hasChildren -%}
        {%- set nodeClasses = nodeClasses|merge(['has-children']) -%}
    {%- endif -%}
    {%- if or node.hasActiveChild -%}
        {%- set linkClasses = linkClasses|merge(['active']) -%}
    {%- endif -%}
    {%- if node.level == 1 and index == 1 -%}
        {%- set nodeClasses = nodeClasses|merge(['first']) -%}
    {%- endif -%}
    {%- if node.listClass|length -%}
        {%- set nodeClasses = nodeClasses|merge([node.listClass]) -%}
    {%- endif -%}

    <li{% if nodeClasses|length %} class="{{ nodeClasses|join(' ') }}"{% endif %}>
        <a href="{{ node.url }}" title="{{ }}"{% if node.blank %} target="_blank"{% endif %}{% if linkClasses|length %} class="{{ linkClasses|join(' ') }}"{% endif %}>{{ }}</a>
        {% if node.hasChildren %}
            <ul class="nav__level{{ (node.level + 1) }}">
                {% for subnode in node.children %}
                    {{ _self.addNodeToNavigation(subnode, loop.index) }}
                {% endfor %}
        {% endif %}
{% endmacro %}

<nav class="navmain">
    <ul class="nav">
        {% for node in nav %}
            {{ _self.addNodeToNavigation(node, loop.index) }}
        {% endfor %}

I am sure an option would benefit other users, seems like a common use case.

Thanks for the guidance, I ending up working this out by styling the <a> via