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[Suggestion] Support plugin

Quilljou opened this issue · comments

Add plugin support just like alfred, so we can contribute make this tool stronger

That could be a good idea, I had some concepts for this over here:

I did have several concerns though. First of all, running custom Js code could be pretty dangerous, especially when anyone can create their own actions and share them. And secondly, this would require some sort of database, which means it won't be a fully offline extension, it will require some sort of authentication, it won't necessarily work or have the same functions when self-hosted, and finally, depending on usage it could get expensive (and being a free extension it's really not sustainable).

Would be interested nonetheless in any ideas for this!

If the extension is free, Is It possible to host the plugin source code in third-party platforms like GitHub gist or npm anyway?
Then the extension downloads it and stores the plugin in chrome. Anyway, it will make the codebase more complicated

Add plugin support just like alfred, so we can contribute make this tool stronger