alyssaxuu / flowy

The minimal javascript library to create flowcharts ✨

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Pure CSS3 Tree

johndkn opened this issue · comments

Hello Alyssaxuu,

Thanks for the amazing work !

I've seen a couple of issues regarding the blocks position in other posts.

Not sure it is helpful, but I tried a CSS3 only approach for the tree display and block positioning. Please find the link below.

Codepen Link


That is an interesting approach, I might want to experiment with that a bit. I think it could potentially make the library much smaller (especially in regards to positioning/centering where indeed it's a bit convoluted right now), and ensure everything sticks together. That said it would lead to a complete overhaul for the library so I'm not sure it's convenient.

Hello Alyssaxuu,

Are you still planning a library overhaul?
