altermo / ultimate-autopair.nvim

A treesitter supported autopairing plugin with extensions, and much more

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breaks with vim-eunuch

WhoIsSethDaniel opened this issue · comments

Minimal config (init.lua):

vim.cmd [[
packadd! ultimate-autopair.nvim
packadd! vim-eunuch
require('ultimate-autopair').setup {}

start nvim with this config:

nvim -u init.lua

Enter insert mode, type <cr>. Nothing happens, no newline. You can go back to normal mode, type 'o' and then type <cr> again. Same result.
This only happens with vim-eunuch loaded along with ultimate-autopair.
I haven't dived deeply into what is causing the problem but it must be somewhere here.

vim-eunuch is here:
It's a tpope plugin so it's probably reasonably popular. Plus it has been around awhile.

Fixed; the problem was that vim-eunuch doesn't handle neovim-lua-callback keymaps.

Thanks for the quick turnaround.