altermo / ultimate-autopair.nvim

A treesitter supported autopairing plugin with extensions, and much more

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Insert comma after pair

sid-6581 opened this issue · comments

I just discovered this plugin and it's been working great so far! One thing that I have always wanted, which I didn't have in nvim-autopairs either, is the ability to insert a character after an autocompleted pair. One example is when adding a new nested item to a lua table:

   {*} -- <-- After typing { I would like to be able to add a comma after the automatically added }
   { "altermo/ultimate-autopair.nvim", opts = {} },

In the example above I could use fastwarp and type {,<A-e> which would move the } to the left of the comma, but it would be nice if I could just type {, and it would result in {}, with the cursor inside the braces.

Okay, how do you want it?
Do you want to be able to create non-pair mapps with the default profile?
And you need to implement the feature yourself, or should I add it as a feature?

Or do you just want a map that does it?

Like this one
local default=require'ultimate-autopair.profile.default.utils'
local utils=require'ultimate-autopair.utils'
local function create_map()
    local m={}
    m.doc='ultimate-autopair , map'
    m.check=function (o)
        if o.mode=='i' and o.key==',' and
            utils.getsmartft(o)=='lua' and
            o.line:sub(o.col-1,o.col-1)=='{' then
            local pair,col,row=default.get_pair_and_end_pair_pos_from_start(o,o.col,true)
            if not pair then return end
            local node=utils.gettsnode(utils._get_o_pos(o,o.col-1))
            if node and node:type()~='table_constructor' then return end
            return utils.create_act{
                {'j',row-o.row },{'home'},
    m.get_map=function (mode) if mode=='i' then return {','} end end
    return m

That worked great, thanks! I'm fine with implementing it myself like this, I just wasn't sure how to customize this plugin to that extent.

Then I can close this issue.