alshedivat / al-folio

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Problems with Deployment

mendezVKI opened this issue · comments


First of all, thank you very much for such a nice template. I have a very naive question ( I started playing with Jekyll today) that has been puzzling me a lot in the last 2 hours :(

I have created my webpage and it works beautifully on local.
Once deployed with ./bin/deploy I get the message 'Deployed successfully!' and I see I have two branches on my repository. Yet, the page is not loaded (I get 404 error). In the Github page I see this error:

Your site is having problems building: The tag bibliography on line 3 in _pages/ is not a recognized Liquid tag. For more information, see

in the Github page, it says it wants to build the page from the master branch and I can't put it on the gh page brunch.

Do you have any suggestions?

Thank you very much

For personal webpages, you would want to run ./bin/deploy --user. See installation notes.

Thank you very much for your quick response. I missed this important detail.
Now it's up and running and I am very happy with it:

Of course, I left in the footer the link to your page. Please let me know if this is acknowledgement is sufficient or if I should add something else; I am not familiar with Github pages/jekyll and the proper way of crediting these beautiful pieces of work.
