alphapapa / org-ql

A searching tool for Org-mode, including custom query languages, commands, saved searches and agenda-like views, etc.

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invalid function helm-build-sync-source

matthuszagh opened this issue · comments

I'm getting the error shown in the title when calling helm-org-ql. This seems to be similar to an issue reported for dumb-jump. I don't get this issue if I uncomment the helm requires:

;; (require 'helm)
;; (require 'helm-org)

I'm using emacs 27.05.

I'm confused: I pointed you to this package from the discussion on the Helm repo. Do you not already have Helm installed and loaded?

Anyway, as noted in that issue, the macro call should probably be replaced with the expansion to call helm-make-source directly.

That should fix it. Thanks.

Helm needs to be available when it’s byte compiled. This can be an issue for systems like Nix (which I use).

That explains it. :) Yeah, Nix and Guix are doing some really interesting things in their packaging, but issues like this are bound to happen with it, because I don't think anyone is developing these Emacs packages with such systems in mind.